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[[4 columned table]]
| DATE. | NAME AND RACE OF PLAINTIFF. | NAME AND RACE OF DEFENDANT. | Complaint: Action taken by Courts and Bureau. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1868 |   |   |   |
| April 3 | Scott Cold. | E Petit White | for services Rendered no action by Civil Authority Judg Judgement by Bureau rendered & Settled | 
| April 3 | Murchison Col | Steamer Mustang | no action by Civil Courts. Judgment rendered by Bureau |
| April 3 | Johnson Col | Steamer Mustang | no action by Civil Courts. Judgment rendered by Bureau |
| April 3 | Chambers Col | Steamer Mustang | no action by Civil Courts. Judgment rendered by Bureau |
| April 3 | Stodge Col | Steamer Mustang | no action by Civil Courts. Judgment rendered by Bureau |
| April 3 | Word Col | Steamer Mustang | no action by Civil Courts. Judgment rendered by Bureau |
| April 25 | Jones Col | WS. Wilkerson White | for services Rendered case continued by consent | 
| April 25 | Holmes Col | Jim Cook White | Execution issued for one hundred & seven dollars |