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[[4 columned table]]
| Date | Name and Race of Pltff | Name and Race of Defdn | Complaint: Action taken by Court & Bureau |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Apl 21 | Jesse Rodgers f.m.c. | Sheriff of Fayette Co. | Sheriff levied upon the Ambulance or wagon of Jesse Rodgers to satisfy a debt of $55- to pay a debt of his son for which he is security - I wrote to the Sheriff staying the sale 'till an investigation could be made - The Sheriff replied he intended to sell, because the vehicle was not a "wagon" but, a "carriage" or "pleasure wagon" & that he should proceed with the sale, being protected by an indemnifying bond. I replied that the term was simply a technical detail in as much as Rodgers gained a lively hood by the wagon - it was exempt - must not be sold - & informed that an appeal could be taken through this office, under Genl. O. No 4. |