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"Make such practical and judicious suggestions as will, in your opinion, render the operations of the Bureau more efficient, reporting such Bureau agents and civil officers as have neglected their duties, &c."

The Bureau Agent to be of any practical utility or benefit whatever, should be a Peace officer with authority to arrest criminals and Disturbers of the Peace, to suppress riots, protect persons and property, with full concurrent authority with the Civil, so that if the Civil failed to act, the Bureau could compell action at once. There exists really a greater necessity for an impartial tribunal between the Rebels and Union Whites, than between White and Black. The Rebel White hate the Union White with the most intense bitter hatred, and regards the Freedman as the ignorant and willing instrument. He is ever ready to kill the one and spit upon the other. The appeal of the Union White to the Civil Courts is a farce. The freedpeople faces much better in the Civil Courts than the Union White. J. W. Hamilton and Sam Rich Justices of the Peace, I do not regard as efficient. Rich I think a good man, but lacks moral courage. Hamilton belongs to the Ku Klux. The one acts with or for his Clan
see above.

I am, very respectfully,
Your obedient Servant,
Charles Schmidt
Sub. Assistant Commissioner.

Transcription Notes:
Cleaned up a couple of ?'s left by the previous transcriber, and reviewed the rest. Should be good for approval - Emmy ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-21 14:52:32