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Office Sub. Asst. Comm. B.R.F. & A.L.
Marshall Texas, April 8th 1868.

Daniel Stewart, freedman, being sworn states as follows. In the night of the 19th of March i was undressing to go to bed. I heard some person on the outside of the house, attempting to pull a loose piece of siding off from the house. After pulling the board aside he knocked and I turned around and asked, who was there. At this moment a pistol was pushed through a crack in the wall and discharged, the ball from which struck me in the neck, inflicting a severe wound, which has disabled me from working form that time to the present. I have not heard, that the civil officers attempted in any way, to find out the person, that shot me, though they suspicioned one Mr. King, against whom I was a witness in a case before the Bureau last January. About ten days, before I was shot, King threatened, to have a revenge,