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Civil Actions

[[4 Columned Table]]
| Date | Name and Race of Plaintiff | Name and Race of Defendant | Complaint Action Taken by Courts & Bureau |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| July 23 1868 | Randall Oliver (Freedman) | W. C. Comptin (White) | Due Bill given to Plaintiff by the defendant. Investigated the case, found the defendant an irresponsible person. Saving no property at all in the state. |

| July 25 1868 | H. Buckner (Freedman) | Benj. Bennett (White) | The Plaintiff has a claim against the Defendant for labor performed sometime in April last. The trial postponed the whereabouts of Defendant can be known |

| July 25/68 | Mrs Woods Freedman | W. Buchaner (White) | The Plaintiff claimed to be the father of a child, in the possession of the defendant, and also states that the defendant refused to give up the child since the "Breakup" Decided that the Defendant should give up the child to the Plaintiff |