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Cross Ex'd.

When I saw him in the Evening he did not seem to suffer much from his wound. there was not a large quantity of Blood up on his shirt when I saw him.

Oscar Mims his X mark

Sworn to and Subscribed before on this 8th day of August 1868
William H. Rock
Sub ass't Commssr

Billy Randon fmc Sworn says,
I was out on the Prairie & we overtook Mr B at the Bayou and was talking to us Randon boys and whilst there two or 3 Joe amongst them came on [[strikethrough]] bayou [[/strikethrough]] bye they stopped Mr B, told them to keep on, they went around in the bushes we went on to the quarters & after we got there three boys came, Mr B's went and asked them their names, & s'd [[strikethrough]] you any man [[/strikethrough]] yonder is the man that stretched his eye at me & I am going to order

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-14 13:01:56 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-14 19:39:54