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who hope thereby to reap the fruits of their labor. In several instances they have been fearfully mutilated, and in many cases shot at repeatedly. I have recommended them to procure work to support themselves for the present, as best they could, [[strikethrough]] when [[/strikethrough]] until they could return; assuring them that they should be paid the value of their labor to the uttermost farthing. I did this, feeling confident that the Government would see the absolute necessity of stationing troops in these neighborhoods. Numerous bands of desperadoes frequent the counties Red River Titus, Upshur and even come into Marion rendering travel on the various road extremely precarious. These men kill negroes from the pure love of killing. Several murders have been rumored to have been done, and I have no doubt that they do not embrace all. But in as much as they are not reported officially I have made no record of them. Two negroes were murdered near Jefferson on the 5 or 6 of July The Civil Authorities took the matter in hand but could not discover the perpetrators of the crime)   

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-14 20:44:00