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"State the kind of crops raised, and the condition of the same; whether the freed people work for monthly wages or a portion of the crop, and the customary amount of either."

The crops are mostly cotton & corn  the freedpeople generally work for 1/3 of cotton & 1/2 of corn  the crops are better this year than last 

"Include in your report the operations of the State laws as applied to freed people, with special reference to the Apprentice Law, Vagrant Law, and Law regulating labor."

The State law is generally executed and always where a freedperson is a party  The apprentice law & vagrant law & law regulating labor is never thought of

"Report the difficulties you labor under in the performance of your duties, and how the same may be remedied."

The difficulties I labor under are many  from time to time freedpeople have reported to me of debts owing them for labor in the years 1865 & 1866 & they inform me that their cases have been reported from time to time and no action taken in their cases  it is an known fact that the freedpeople are ignorant & await the promise of their former masters which are sure to never be fullfilled