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[[4 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 11th | John Kerr CM | Geo Whitley CM | Assaulting him Fined $10. and cost |
| 11th | W Cheney |   | Drunk Fined $3 and the cost |
| 11th | P Conrad W.B. |   | Stealing 1 Doz. prs of Drawers valued at $24 0/100. Fined $5 and cost, committed to Jail for 3 days |
| 11th | Mary Taylor CW Sarah Janes CW |   | Creating a disturbance at the [[Melodine?]] Fined Janes $4 and cost and Taylor $7. and cost |
| 11th | J Morrison CM | M Redman CM | Stealing a a Shawl valued at $5 0/100. Fined $10 and cost, committed to Jail for 10 days |
| 11th | H Schutz |   | Drunk and disorderly Dismissed without cost |