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[[4 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

|   | J. Goloker WM | [[illegible]] WM | Suit for debt of $44. 6/100 Judgement for the amount and cost |

|   | D H Cook WM | C Shattuck WM | Action for $6 50/100 Judgement given for amount | 

|   | Wm Prash WM | Geo Schneider & Co WM | Action for $81 Judgement given for the amount | 

|   | C A Dikman WM | Geo Schneider & Co WM | Action for $40 Judgement given for the amount |

|   | D Obozzer WM | Gengler & Vonhouten WM | Action for $94 Judgement for the amount | 

|   | S Neidenheimer WM | M Hussey WM | Action for $38 16/100 Judgement for the amount | 

|   | D M. Price WM | C S Shattuck WM | Action for $19 Judgement for the amount |