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"Report the disposition and feeling of the white people towards the freed people, as expressed by words and actions."

The white people is friendly and kindly disposed towards the freed people. No fact to the contrary has come under my observations.

"Report the feeling upon the subject of education; what steps have been taken to promote the same; what efforts the freed people are making in that direction, and in what manner they may be assisted. &c."

Some of the freed people are very desirous to be educated, but generally they seem indifferent. There is one school in operation at this place. Outside of this I do not know. One DC. Sullivan (white) tried to start a school at Martina's Creek on the Cibello, Bandera Co, he met, however, so little exhortation [[strikethrough]] from [[/strikethrough]] on the part of the freed people, that he was obliged to give it up. To promote education among the colored race, Teachers ought to be appointed from the Bureau, and parents forced to send their children to school.

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-28 14:26:26 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-28 17:18:25