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[[4 columned table]]
| Date | Name & race of Criminal | Name & race of Person injured | Nature of offence  Statement of circumstance  Action taken by courts & Bureau etc |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 1868 Nov 16th | Thomas Davis white man | Dr _ Smith white | Assault with a loaded cane. It appears that on the 16th Nov/68 Dr Smith Surgeon to the Company stationed at Wharton, had some altercation with Thomas Davis about a horse, that the lie was passed between them, and that S. Davis struck the Doctor on the head with a loaded cane Fracturing slightly the skull. Davis then made his escape. But returned in a few days was arrested taken before Justice of the Peace Squire Robinson Precinct No 2 who fined him in the sum of ($10.00/100) but remitted it next morning to $5.00/100  I believe the general opinion of the community is that even this latter amount is too heavy considering the nature of the case and the nationalities of the parties |