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"Make such practical and judicious suggestions as will, in your opinion, render the operations of the Bureau more efficient, reporting such Bureau agents and civil officers as have neglected their duties, &c."

I would suggest that were troops stationed at this place, my agency as a Bureau Officer would tend to strengthen and secure the respect of citizens to the Government, and prevent and allay much bitter feeling among the people - protecting and securing the friends of the Government, in their private and public rights, to say nothing of life and the security of their property.

I have no Bureau Officers to report, but can greatly commend the conduct of the present Agt. Mr. Morrison of Anderson Co. for his present assistance, and presence in this county when required from him, and for his prompt assistance in cooperating with me in obtaining Military assistance from his county when I required it upon a late occasion - which you will see from Report from Capt. Hedburg of Palestine. I would suggest the removal of the Sheriff [[strikethrough]] and constable [[/strikethrough]] of this county and of Beat no 1 for their indifference and purposed neglect of duty.

I am, very respectfully,
Your obedient Servant,
Henry C. Lacy
Sub-Assistant Commissioner.