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[[4 columned table]]
| DATE. | NAME AND RACE OF CRIMINAL. | NAME AND RACE OF PERSON INJURED. | Nature of offence; Statement of circumstances; Action taken by Courts and Bureau, &c., &c. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

|   | Eugene Le Grande w | Tom Steiner c | Stealing six shooter - Le Grande is a soldier and the revolver was found in his possession B.O. to District court in $100.00 |

|   | Rumsay w  Kuhn w | Accused of shooting at Kuhn B.O to County court in $125.00 Bail. |

| Novr 4th | T.P. Brown alias Hughes w Jim Brown w. and others | Tom Benson col | Murder  Investigated by Bureau - Tom Benson was lured by horseracers to cook for them - He was murdered by them and thrown into the Colorado where he was found with several bullet holes in his head and body  T.P Brown is a desperado and has killed men in Milam & Falls County and without doubt he with accomplices killed Tom Benson. See report from this office dated Novr 14th. The civil authorities assisted by the Military arrested - Cope Bishop and man named Brown. Brown was discharged because he was not the right man. Cope and Bishop were discharged because there was not proof against them except that they were part of the men Tom Benson was cooking for - Both the Browns have left, and Copy has been arrested on a charge of horse stealing in Bastrop County. |