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'Report the disposition and feeling of the white people towards the freed people, as expressed by words and actions."
I am happy to state that there is a better feeling existing between the two races at the present time then I have known since I have been in the state, I have labored hard since & have been here to establish mutual confidence between the races, and I think I have succeeded. 

"Report the feeling upon the subject of education; what steps have been taken to promote the same; what efforts the freed people are making in that direction, and in what manner they may be assisted, &c."

The feeling upon the subject is education at the present time is good and I think there will be a good school established here in a short time. The teacher who reported to me according to orders has just arrived and is getting in finely
I have in each in this plan and I propose to give the [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] [[?]] my [[?]] and assistance as far as possible.