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[[4 columned table]]
| DATE. | NAME AND RACE OF CRIMINAL. | NAME AND RACE OF PERSON INJURED. | Nature of offense; Statement of circumstances; Action taken by Courts and Bureau, &c., &c., |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Dec 1st | Sarah Armstrong C.W. | Fanny Williams C.W. | assaulting and striking F.W. on the head with a hatchet Fined $15.00 and Cost. |

| Dec 1st | J.E. Gallagher W.M. | State | Drunk and disorderly Fined $5.00 and Cost |

| Dec 1st | Jno McGinnis W.M. | State | Drunk and disorderly $10.00 and Cost. C. to J. 10 Days |

| Dec 2nd | Peter Burns  T Officier C.M | J.E. Gallagher W.M. | assaulting with intent to murder Bond $500.00 to appear before th Crim: Court |

| Dec 2nd | Jas Johnson W.M | State | Disorderly Conduct. Discharged |

| Dec 2nd | Bailey Vincent W.M. | C.H. Jordan W.M. | Driving off Jordans Horse and Buggy without his consent. Dismissed at Jordans Cost |

Transcription Notes:
In the "name and race of criminal" and "name and race of person injured" columns, the two letters written after each name are (I believe, but I may be wrong): the race ("C" = "colored", "W" = "white"), followed by the gender ("W" = "woman", "M" = man").