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[[4 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Dec. 8. | Wm Scott W.M  M. D. Nash W.M.  W. A. Clark C.M. | State. | Contempt of Court for failing to prosecute a person they had arrested. - Dismissed without Cost. |

| 8. | Henry Johnson C.M  Mark Good. C.M  Peter Gravis C.M  Tom Harrison C.M | State. | Failing to obey a subpena as a witness. $3.00 and Cost Each. |

| 8. | Mr Miles C.M. | Henry Johnson C.M. | Assaulting & striking $5.00 and Cost. |

| 8. | Moses Whiteley C.M  Geo Whiteley C.M | State. | unmercifully whipping a mule $10.00 and Cost. Discharged |

| 8. | B. Mitchell W.M. | Stephen Crawford C.M. | Beating $10.00 and Cost. |

| 8. | J. Miller W.M. | Peter Bock W.M. | Taking $4.00 use of from the money drawn of P. Bock. Dismissed at complts. Cost |

Transcription Notes:
I wasn't sure if I should write what each column corresponds to, since the column headers are only found on the first page of this set of papers. The columns are as follows: (Per instructions transcribe what is on this page) DATE. | NAME AND RACE OF CRIMINAL. | NAME AND RACE OF PERSON INJURED. | Nature of offence; Statement of circumstances: Action taken by Courts and Bureau, &e., &e. In the "name and race of criminal" and "name and race of person injured" columns, the two letters written after each name are (I believe, but I may be wrong): the race ("C" = "colored", "W" = "white"), followed by the gender ("W" = "woman", "M" = man"). ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-31 08:14:37