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[Ed. Form, No. 3.]
For the Month of October, 1868.

☞ To contain one entire calendar month, and to be forwarded as soon as possible after the close of the month. 
☞ A school under the distinct control of one Teacher, or a Teacher with one Assistant, is to be reported as one School. 

[Answers placed here.]

Name of your School? 
Location (town, country, or district)? O St bet 4th & 5th
Is it a Day or Night school? Day 
Of what grade? Intermediate
When did your present session commence?    When to close? July 1st
Is your school supported by an Educational Society?*      No What Society?
Is your School supported wholly by a local School Board?* Yes Name of the Board or Com.?
Is your School supported in part by local School Board?* Name of Board or Com.?
Is your School supported wholly by Freedmen? No Amount paid this month?
Is your School supported in part by Freedmen? No Amount paid this month?
Have you had Bureau transportation this term? No
Who owns the School-building?