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12 Feb. 44
She is truly an angel of mercy
Bringing joy and gladness each day
With cheerful words, and a teasing smile,
She always keep her patients gay:

All is well the whole day through
Each patient's face is gleaming with light.
But oh!, suddenly the lights are dimmed.
When she leaves for heaven each night:

Gee.! I hate to see her go,
Tho' time say we all must part:
Now she's leaving, but she'll never know,
That with her she'll be taking my heart.

by Cleveland Clark
Aviation Student
44-J Cadet Det.

U.S.N.C, - T.A.A.F., Alabama
Lt. Louise V. Lomax


The Officers' Club
requests the honour of your presence at its
Pre-Christmas Dinner Dance
Saturday evening, December sixteenth
nineteen hundred forty-four
nine o'Clock
Tuskegee Army Air Field
Tuskegee, Alabama


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-26 08:56:49