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Her home is about a quarter of a mile from the highway. She said that after the bus pulled off the man jumped from behind the bushes, grabbed her and dragged her into the bushes and assaulted her. 
She testified that after he had succeeded in his design, he inquired if she would ever tell what happened.  When she told him that she would, her story goes, he attempted to choke her, at the same time threatening to fix her "so you will never tell anytihng [sic]."
The complainant stated that she had seen the accused on a previous occasion when he was doing some work for a relative of hers. She said she had just left her baby at home when the affair occurred.

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Pretty Flowered Hair-dos and corsages in live or artificial flowers.
Flower Shop

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You'll find this bright new grill open and ready to serve you with the finest foods.  Lunch, dinner, midnight snack, or breakfast
We are ready and waiting to serve you!

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We Close All Day Every Tuesday.

Colored Theatres on High St
Portsmouth - Objections of white business firms to the establishment of two colored theatres in the 900 Block of High street between Chestnut and Hatton streets, were brought before the City Council Tuesday night.
City Manager Arthur S. Owens informed the Council that he has received requests from Lichtman Theatres and from Pix Theatres for permits to operate theatres in the 900 block of High street, but, in view of the objections from business firms in that block, he declined to make any recommendations in the matter, leaving the decisions up to the council.

An attorney representing Pix Theatres informed the council that his client had already property in the block in question and that this property would be worthless to the owners unless a colored theatre could be operated there. The attorney pointed out that the proposed site is in the heart of the colored area.
Another attorney, representing Lichtman Theatres, pointed out that his company had filed a request for a theatre permit with the city manager last July and that no action had been taken.

Councilman Pearle Wilson pointed out that "there are always two sides to every question" and moved that the matter be tabled until the next meeting of council to allow those objecting to theatres to appear before council. 
In the petition objecting to the theatres it was pointed out that these colored movie houses would cause a decrease in property values in that block
Among the objectors listed in the position were the following: Dr. E.T. Glover, Norman Packing Company, City Bottling Works, G.W. Maupin Ice Plant, and Central Motor Company.

It was brought out in the Council meeting that there were existing buildings in the 900 Block of High street that might be remodeled into theatres. No other sites in the city offer these advantages,
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it was stated, and it is at present extremely difficult, if not impossible, to erect new buildings from the ground up. 

The need for these added features of recreation for the uncounted thousands of colored residents here was stressed.

Form Mothers Club At Armistead Park.
PORTSMOUTH - A Mother's Club is being formed in Armistead Trailer Park under supervision of the City Health Department, with Miss Grace Larsen of the health department, and Mrs. Mamie Burell, registered nurse, in charge.
Registrations are now being made, the first having taken place on Monday of this week. Regular meetings of the club will be held every Monday, at 2:30 p.m., in the main building at Armistead Trailer Park. 

-for your hair, All hair demands high quality care. Pluko Hair Dressing, a famous Black and White creation, adds radiance and beauty to hair, plus a lovely fragrance. Hairdo's comb easier. Big economical sizes. Amber, 25 cents. White, 50 cents. Demand Pluko at all toilet counters. 

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Prompt service 
All Work Guaranteed 
1206 Mt. Vernon Ave

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Mix Lemon Juice 
Good news travels fast-many of the thousands of folk who now take lemon juice for rheumatic pain-have found that by adding two tablespoons of Allenru to one tablespoon of Lemon Juice in a glass of water, they get faster relief for the aches and pains caused by rheumatism lumbago. 
It's no surprise either. for Allenru is a 15 year old formula to relieve rheumatic aches and pains. In fact-if it does not help-your money back. What could be fairer? Get Allenru today at any live druggist. Only 85 cents-Do it Now. 

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For Relieving Miseries of 
Children's Colds 
More than two generations ago-in grandmother's day-mothers first discovered Vicks VapoRub. Today it is the most widely used home-remedy for relieving miseries of children's colds. And there is a reason...
The moment you rub VapoRub on the throat, chest and back at bedtime it starts to work two ways at once-and keeps working for hour ease coughing spasms, help Clea gestation in cold-clogged upper ing passages, relieve muscular or tightness. It promotes rest Often most of the misery of is gone by morning! Tha VapoRub is so good to use w strike. Try it!

8th Ward League To Return Reward Contributions
PORTSMOUTH-A mee persons who have made co tons to the reward fund by the Eighth Ward Civic in the interest of the J Slaying case, will be called near future and these conditions will be refunded, it w bounced this week.
The reward was posted f formation leading to the and conviction of the pers persons who fatally shot Johnson, prominent comm leader, last December. Over months have passed since slaying and police have failed apprehend the killer. Since the reward has not b claimed, the civic league has cided to return the money to t contributors

Mrs. Blanche Hite Heads PTA Group
PORTSMOUTH--Organizat of a parent-teacher association Douglass Park School was perf ed recently with the election Mrs. Blanche Hite as presid The membership now stand approximately 150.
Other officers chosen Phillip Walker, vice p dent; Mrs. Sarah Winslow, s tary; Mrs. pike, assistant tary; and Mr. Elliott, treasu
William A. Weaver, princip Douglass Park School, was in diced to the body and he sensed the teachers of the Sch
On October 5 Mrs. C.L.K.B ley, president of the State Paren Teacher Association, delivered address. Pupils entertained patrons with a program. The next meeting will be held November 2.

PORTSMOUTH- The Unity Harmony Chorus will hold its next rehearsal on Monday night October 25, at the home of the business manager, Mrs. Margie James, 709 Stonewall street.

Transcription Notes:
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