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-ers" Hard In Portsmouth

Man Is Fined
500, Given
Six Months
Police Determined To Keep Racket Down In City
Portsmouth - Justice William H. Oast "hit" the numbers- d very hard- last week. The bespectacled judge "hit" -e notorious lottery for $100 on Tuesday and $500 on Wednesday, -aggering blows that few "back-" can ill afford at this critical time.
Augustus Lee, arrested by Detectives L.L. Broughton and E.T. -cenda on chargesh of violating city ordinance by operating a -mbers lottery, was fined $500 -d costs and given six months in -il after a hearing before Justice -ast in Portsmouth Police Court Wednesday morning of last week. On the following day Robert -reen was fined $100 and costs police court on charges of violating the lottery ordinance.

These smashing blows against the city's once thriving numbers -cket, already reeling from City Manager Arthur S. Owens' vice (cut off)

Police Continue Search For "Cocky Joe" And His Girl Pa (cut off)
PORTSMOUTH - Police this week are continuing their search for Joseph "Cocky Joe" Robinson and his light-skinned girl companion, Margaret Fowler, who are sough for questioning in connection with the slaying and robbery on May 11 of Marc A. Terrell, manager of the Capitol Theatre.
Robinson, who has a jail record in Portsmouth, is described as being of medium build, weighing about 115 pounds, 5 feet 5 inches tall, dark brown complexion, with thick hair, usually combed straight back. Once of his eyes is slightly "cocked," becoming more so when he gets excited, police say. 
Margaret Fowler, his alleged companion in banditry, is described as being about 28 years old, 5 feet 8 inches tall, brownish red hair, very light complexion. 
She has a scar on her right lip and is so fair of complexion that she might be mistaken for white.
They are wanted in Portsmouth for questioning in connection with two of the most daring robberies ever staged here.
Several weeks ago the wanted couple allegedly held up a grocery store on Green street locking nine persons in an ice box, shooting one man in the abdomen and making off with about $900.
The description, according to police, also fits the bandits who shot and robbed Manager Terrell of between $700 and $800 on the night of May 11 in the main auditorium of the Capitol Theatre where over 1,000 persons were tensely viewing the picture, "Casablanca."
This same pair, police stated, are sought for questioning in connection with a hotel robbery recently in Baltimore.

1412 High St.
Sandwiches, Soft Drinks, Tobaccos, Milk Shakes, Ice Cream, Etc
W. Bateman, prop (cut off)

Disciples Christian Bible Class Marks First Anniversary

SUNDAY (cut off)