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SECOND SECTION  The Journal and Guide  SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 1943
American Flyers In North Africa Go Through Training Routine Before Moving Up For Action

[[3 images]]

A group of pilots in a fighter squadron in North Africa,
left, pause for the photographer on their way to the planes for a routine advanced training flight. Since this picture these [[illegible]] have gone into actual combat. In this group are 1st Lt. [[illegible]] amison, Cleveland, Ohio (at the left in front, with oxy-[[illegible]] d (in rear left to right) 1st Lt. William A. [[illegible]] stitute, Ala.; 1st Lt. Erwin B. Lawrence, Cleveland, Ohio; 1st Lt. Charles B. Hall, Brazil, Ind.; 2nd Lt. Paul G. Mitchell, Washington, D. C. (with face half hidden by Lt. Hall's); 1st Lt. Sidney P. Brooks, Cleveland, Ohio; 2nd Lt. John W. Rogers, Chicago; and 2nd Lt. Walter I. Lawson, Newtown, Va.

This is no monster, or man from Mars, but 1st Lt. James B. Knighten, Tulsa, Okla., center, wearing his oxygen mask just before taking off from a base in North Africa where a squadron of fighter pilots, of which he is a member, is located. 

Five of Hampton Institute's sons, right, are carrying on the tradition in North Africa as members of a fighter squadron. They are, left to right, 2nd Lt. Paul G. Mitchell, 23, 908 Howard road, S. E., Washington, D. C.; 1st Lt. William R. Thompson, 27, 704 Copeland street, Pittsburgh, Pa.; 2nd Lt. Walter I. Lawson, 23, Newtown, Va.; 2nd Lt. Willie Ashley Jr., 21, 212 west Bartlett street Sumter, S. C.; and 2nd Lt. George R. Bolling, 22, 24 Cummings avenue, Phebus, Va. Lt. Thompson is armament officer; all the others are pilots. In the second photo, Lt. Thompson and Lt. Ashley are kneeling. Lts. Mitchell, Lawson, and Bolling are standing. (Exclusive Journal and Guide Photo by Thomas W. Young.)