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[[Image: Nurse with people]]

(7) Work for representative attendance of all groups at district and state nurses meetings.
(8) Keep informed about developments in your organization and profession.
(9) Keep informed on the latest scientific developments regarding groups and group relations.
(10) Remember that these suggestions apply equally to other minority group problems, e.g., Indians, Orientals, etc.
The activities in your Intergroup Relations Committee should be implemented with a public relations program.  For public relations, see 16 through 19.

TO HELP MAKE the activities of your Intergroup Relations Committee more effective, invite your Public Relations Committee to work with you.

Your Public Relations Committee can help your Intergroup Relations Committee organize meetings, luncheons, dinners, and other functions at which the significance of ANA's efforts and your own efforts in this field can be explained to the public. 

You can win public support for your work in intergroup relations by interesting group leaders in your work for better intergroup relations. You can get the help of ministers, businessmen, city and state officials, scientists, doctors, college presidents, professors, newspaper editors, authors, radio personalities, and others.

Get these leaders to address meetings of your Intergroup Relations Committee, your Committee on Structure, larger meetings of nurses, and meetings for the general public at which full integration is explained.

Whenever your Intergroup Relations Committee takes action to integrate all nurses in your state or district membership, or to educate nurses and


public in that direction, ask your Public Relations Committee to get out news releases to the newspapers and radio stations.

News releases should cover public meetings, lunches, dinners, etc., sponsored by your Inter-group Relations Committee, speeches by nurse leaders and other leaders in the community on the subpect of full integration in the nursing profession.

Wherever you think it sound policy, your Intergroup Relations Committee can cooperate with other groups in your district or state which are working for full integration in all professions.

If such an organization or groups of organizations invites your Intergroup Relations Committee to address one of its meetings, this speaker should talk about the nursing profession and what it is doing to achieve full integration, as explained in these pages.

If a member of your Intergroup Relations Committee speaks at some other group meeting, ask your Public Relations Committee to prepare in advance, a news release on the basis of the talk, quoting it briefly.

Send out a news release both before and after an event sponsored by your committee. Announce in advance, what the event will be, where and when it will be held, what its purpose is, who is sponsor-


ing it and who will speak.

If your meeting is important enough, invite the press to send reporters. Set aside a press table for them at your meeting near the platform or dais, so the reporters can follow proceedings easily.

For the convenience of reporters, the press table should contain background material about your work, copies of the advance news release and copies of the talks that are going to be made.

[[Image: 4 women having a discussion sitting in a restaurant booth with coffee]]

Transcription Notes:
[[image page 16: nurse with people]] [[image page 17: 4 women having discussion sitting in restaurant booth with coffee]] ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-27 15:49:22 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-27 16:02:26