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[[ef]]fort was made to save me. Art and paternal cares succeeded, and I was declared to be out of danger. But what was my condition! My face, formerly engaging, now scarred and hideous; my hand, which formerly ran with rapidity and grace over the strings of the harp, now contracted by this fatal malady; and, my whole person horribly meagre! Behold the disgusting form which enclosed a heart that still burnt with love! Alas, I thought I had lost every thing which can merit the affection of a woman; and the happiness, which I placed in my personal attractions, passed away as a shade. I must now renounce, said I, the hope of being beloved; but the conduct of Elizabeth chased from my mind this terrifying idea.

Inexplicable woman! She lavished on my, in my malady, the tenderest attentions. On my recovery, she scarce ever quitted me. She appeared no was disgusted with my aspect, but looked on me with eyes full of tenderness. I ascribed this to her virtue, and thus she became more dear to me. 

I had perfectly recovered, when the grand vizier, by order of the sultan, made a tour through the different cities of his empire, to rectify various abuses.

Ibrahim was an exalted man, a great minister, and the favourite of his master. With a dignified person, he was good, magnificent,



generous; possessed all that could engage the attention of women, and merit the esteem of men. He was no longer in his youth, but the character of his physiognomy had rather gained, than lost, by years. Alas! he is no more, and I cannot yet refuse tears to his memory!

He travelled with Asiatic pomp; and, every where, attended him the honours due to the second person of the empire. At Smyrna, the most superb entertainments were prepared for his amusements, and my father was assiduous to exceed all others as well by the delicacy as the sumptuousness of that which he gave him. Regulated agreeable to the French manner, it could not fail to be delicious to Ibrahim, both by the taste and the novelty of the scene. Women do not appear in Turkey at public festivals; my father graced his with all the European women at Smyrna, whose riches or beauty could give splendour to the entertainment. 

Elizabeth was not forgotten: my love embellished her with all that luxury or art could add to her charms; and my self-love congratulated itself, in secret, to behold her the queen of her rivals. 

Ibrahim, no less affable than great, obligingly laying aside oriental austerity, mingled in the crowd at the ball; addressing himself with politeness to the women; conversed familiarly with the men, spoke to Elizabeth, (but without particularly distin [[guishing]]

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