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The Negro 

of my mind, and continued long beyond the usual hour of my rising. I awoke; I looked at my watch: it was near ten. None of my people had yet entered my chamber. I arose and went out, wondering at this negligence. I saw consternation on every visage. I questioned: they answered me with stutters, but without giving me any information. My first apprehensions respected my father; and I flew to his apartment. He seemed to expect me. Tears were in his eyes. He pressed me to his heart, remained some minutes without speaking; then he said, my son, this hour calls for a little firmness of mind: yet, what lose you? an object unworthy of your cares! A despicable woman, undeserving the honour which you do her! Think no more of her! Elizabeth flies you--flies into the arms of Ibrahim!

Ah my friends! Ah Honoria, Ferdinand! You who know what love is--do you conceive my condition? No: how should you judge of the agony of tumultuous passion, by the purity of your own joy? Oh, what fearful thoughts succeed each other in the mind of a betrayed lover! Nature, honour, duty, reason, are lost in the whirlwind! Man becomes a tiger! he would devour the universe; he would devour himself!

My father had pity on my feelings. His ardent affection tried every means which he thought could calm my agitation. Love was stronger than he; and hope was still 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-01 16:28:24