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26 Juvenile Letters. 

"to receive you, to bless you, and to save "you."
"Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings
"thou hast perfected praise." "The children
"surrund Christ with their hosannas; and he
"graciously accepts their feeble accents of
"praise. Oh! that we might now have the
"pleasure to see little children pronouncing
"the name of Christ with reverence and love!
"And surely those who are parents must add,
"Oh! that our own may join in the choir!
"May they learn the song from our lips, and
"sing it with us hereafter in Heaven above."

Miss Caroline Courtland.

From the SAME to the SAME.

Dear Caroline,

Would you believe it? Two days' residence in the capital of the United States 

27 Juvenile Letters.

States has made me almost homesick! It is really a dull place, at present. What length of years may make of it, is not for a miss just entered her teens to predict. There is some variety in the city, notwithstanding; such as hills and vallies, plain fields and thick forests, lofty buildings and humble cottages. The public edifices are superb. The rooms in the Capitol are magnificent; particularly that of the senate.

Georgetown is three miles from the Capitol, and is pleasantly situated on a hill; where is a Roman-catholic College. The ferry across the Potowmac is directly opposite.

Alexandria is a very pleasant place; and had it lain with me to fix upon a spot, you may depend upon it, I should have placed the federal city there.

Mount Vernon is ten miles from the last mentioned place. I will not attempt, after so many others,to give a description of the dwelling place of "Columbia's pride and boast." Whatever nature may have wrought in its favour, to me it appeared gloomy in the extreme. Papa

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