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« is evident, as fhe had a fmall fock of provi-«fions by her when the was difcovered; and was in good health and condition, and I think
" one of the fineft women, of a real Indian, that « I have feen in any part of North America.
« The methods practifed by this poor crea-« ture to procure a livelihood were truly ad-
" mirable, and are great proofs that neceflity «is the real mother of invention. When the
" few deer finews, that fhe had an opportuni-«ty of taking with her, were all expended in « making fares, and fewing her clothing, fhe « had nothing to fupply their place but the
"finews of the rabbits' legs and feet. Thefe « the twifted together for that purpofe with
" great dexterity and fuccefs. The rabbits,
" Sc. which fhe caught in thofe fnares, not
" only furnifhed her with a comfortable fub-
" fiftence; but of the fkins fhe made a fuit of
" neat and warm clothing for the Winter. It « is fcarcely poffible to conceive that a perfon « in her forlorn fituation could be fo compofed
" as to be capable of contriving or executing
"any thing that was not abfolutely neceflary « to
Juvenile Letters.
# to her exiftence; but there were fufficient
"proofs that the had extended her care much
# farther, as all her clothing, befide being cal-
" culated for real fervice, fhowed great tafte, « and exhibited no little variety of ornament.
"The materials, though rude, were very curiouf-
"ly wrought, and fo judicioufly placed, as « to make the whole of her garb have a very
"pleafing though rather romantic appearance.
" Her leifare hours from hunting had been « employed in twilting the inner rind or bark «of willows into fmall lines like net twine;
« of which fhe had fome hundred fathoms by « her. With this he intended to make a fith-#ing-net as foon as the Spring advanced.
« Five or fix inches of an iron hoop, made
" into a knife, and the fhank of an arrow head « of iron, which ferved her as an awl, were « all the metals this poor woman had with her
"when the eloped; and with thefe implements
" fhe had made herfelf complete fnow-fhoes,
" and feveral other ufeful articles.
« Her method of making a fire was equally
"fingular and curious, having no other materi
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