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106 Juvenile Letter.

served by elderly people, that she talked like and experienced Christian.
You know she was always admired for her discreet and modest behaviour ; that she delighted in the company of the goof ; was a constant and devout attendant on religious worship ; and considered the Bible as her dearest companion.
During her sickness, she was composed, and resigned to the will of her Maker. While her strength lasted, she conversed freely with those who visited her, and most earnestly entreated all her young friend to attend to "the one thing needful ;" to make religion their business. That she was a great sinner she felt most sensibly ; but her hopes in the merits of her Redeemer were sure and steadfast. She trusted that her repentance was unfeigned, and her faith sincere.
The minister of the parish, at her request, spent the chief of the forenoon with her ; with whom she conversed freely, as long as her strength would allow. She begged to join with him in prayer, that her faith might not

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fail in the trying hour, and that she might be wholly resigned. After this, she took an affectionate farewell of every one in the family, beginning with her mother ; taking each individual by the hand, and pronouncing a few short sentences, applicable to their different cases. At this affecting scene I was not present. I am told it was almost too much for her poor mother.
Towards her last moments, I drew near her bed side, that none of her words might escape me. She appeared to retain her reason to the last ; but was unable to speak much. What she did say was expressive of her willingness to depart, and her confidence in her Saviour. She begged her parents, her brothers and sisters not to weep, for she was making a happy exchange. The last words she was heard to say, were "Come Lord Jesus, come quickly." O, may we live the lives of the righteous, that our deaths may be like theirs!
I am, dear Sophia,
Your affectionate friend,
Miss Sophia Stanley
P. S. Since