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14   Juvenile Letters.
it will be a book. I like book prefents the beft of any. Simeon Sobriety teels me that the "Token for Children" is a choice book, giving an account of good children. I like to read about good children, that I may learn to grow better myfelf. I am, dear fifter,
  Your affectionate brother,
Mifs Lucy Thoughtful.
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Anfwer to the foregoing.
   Boston, Nov. 15, 1802.
     YOUR letter was a rich prefent indeed; and I will nor delay the anfwer which you fo much defire. And to gratify you, it fhall be accompanied with a fpecimen of my drawing. Bu I fear will not juftify the favourable reports which you fay you have heard.
  I have been a few days abfent from fchool; but expect foon to return. Since I have been
Juvenile Letters.  15
at home, I have perufed the "Hiftorical Grammar." It is a ufeful book; but you are not quite old enough yet, to read it with advantage. The "Token for Children" I fhall fend you with pleafure. The author of that work was a zealous promoter of religion; and fpared no pains in perfuadig children to become virtuous and happy.
  Yefterday I went with Mamma to the Female Afylum; and I cannot exprefs to you my feelings, while I viewed the little orphans, and contemplated their fituation. It was the moft pleafing fight my eyes ever beheld. It brought to my mind a few lines, which I copied from a late London paper, and which I enclofe for your perufal. Adieu.
Mafter Samuel Thoughtful.
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STAY, Lady-stay, for mercy's sake,
And hear a helpless ORPHAN's tale,
Ah! sure my looks must pity wake;
'Tis want that makes my cheek so pale!