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Juvenile Letters.

whole length, six or eight feet out of water, till I saw it. One had nearly leaped on board our packet; and the Captain told us there had been many instances of their actually jumping on board; in which cafes, passengers sometimes had been very much hurt. This exercise seemed to be their sport, towards sunsetting, while it was calm. Perhaps, as an author expresses it, "These fishes dumbly mean the praise of God."
   From Newcastle, passengers proceed by land, in stages, to the head of Chesapeak Bay, where they take passage again by water for Baltimore. We went on board a very commodious packet, with a number of agreeable passengers; and I was as much delighted as ever with the prospect. As we passed the wide mouth of the Susquehannah, the vessel was prodigiously tossed, on account of the wind's being in opposition to the current. This proved a little more than amusement to some of the passengers. Chesapeak Bay is two hundred and seventy miles in length.
   Baltimore is larger than Boston, and very pleasantly situated. We put up at an excel-


Juvenile Letters.

lent tavern, where there is a great resort of strangers, and the best attendance. Yesterday day, being Sunday, we best attendance. Yesterday, being Sunday, we went to Church, and heard good preaching from these words of our Lord, "Suffer little children to come unto me." The sermon was preparatory to catechising, which took place immediately after the service was over. This exercise I was the more desirous of attending, as I  had never seen children catechised in the Church in so public a manner. I really thought it was a beautiful night. A few sentences of the sermon I noted down, as correctly as I could; and now insert them in my letter, not doubting buy they will be acceptable to you.
   After pronouncing the text, the preacher said, "Let children observe this. These were "the words of Christ. As kindly would he "have received you, ye dear children, who "hear this; as kindly will he still receive you, "if you go to him with penitence, and ask "his blessing in humble and earnest prayer. "Though you see not Christ, he sees and "hears you. He is now present with you,