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42     [[Center]]Juvenile Letters. [[Italicized]]          

American Preceptor, and the Columbian Orator, I presume, are used in your schools.
    The account you give of your schools is truly pleasing ; and reflects great honor on your parents, your teachers, and yourselves. I think I may safely say of ours, that morals are not depreciating, but rather improving. One circumstance, however, is still to be la-mented ; which is, that local prejudices exist in the mind of some. I am sorry to say, that, from early times, there has been an unreason-able antipathy, between certain unthinking boys, dwelling at the two opposite extremes of the town. These prejudices are wearing away ; and I trust the time will shortly arrive, when it will no more be said, in the streets of Boston, "There goes a north-ender!" "There is one of your south-end cowards!"
     A disaster lately happened here, which ought to put all thoughtless boys upon serious reflec-tion. The Sabbath before last, three disobe-dient boys, without the knowledge of their pa-rents, instead of going to public worship, stole away into a bye place, and went into the water a swimming ;

[[Center]]Juvenile Letters [[Italicized]]               43

swimming ; when one of them, venturing be-yond his depth, and being frightened, sunk three times, and was taken out of the water for dead ; and it was a long time before any signs of life appeared in him. It is hoped this will be a solemn warning to all disobedient children, especially to such as are inclined to profane the Lord's day.
      I am, dear cousin,
          Your sincere friend, 
                 TIMOTHY THINKWELL.
Master Philip Plainheart [[Italicized]]

[two lines used to separate text]

[[Centered]]LETTER XVII.

       IT seems an age since I have seen you. I really long to return to Boston again ; and hope it will not be long, before I have the pleasure of meeting you there.

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