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74 Juvenile Letters.

river, the country on each fide [[side]] is beautiful; and the gentlemen's feats, which are numerous, make an elegant appearance.
   As you draw near Weft[[West]]-Point, the mountains increafe [[increase]] to an amazing height ; and approach fo [[so]] near to each other, that there appears hardly room for the river to pafs [[pass]] between them. The fort is a ftrong [[strong]] place ; and will always be memorable for the treachery of Arnold. Here the river is narrow ; but in fome [[some]] places below, it is five miles wide.
   One of the paffengers [[passengers]] pointed out to me the tree, under which the unfortunate Major Andre was made prifoner [[prisoner]]. It ftood [[stood]] folitary [[solitary]], in the middle of a plain field, left undoubtedly by the owner of the land, as a monument of infamy to the traitor, and of the haplefs [[hapless]] fate of the man whom he betrayed. As the veffel [[vessel]] paffed [[passed]] this lonely tree, fome [[some]] of the paffengers [[passengers]] mournfully chaunted thefe [[these]] dying words of the unfortunate Andre ; 

"Arnold himself shall oft repine,
"And mourn his fate was not like mine.
"His shade shall stalk on some dread coast,
"To fame, to honor, glory lost, &c.


Juvenile Letters. 75

Albany is a flourifhing [[flourishing]] place. The inhabitants are chiefly defcendants [[descendants]] of the Dutch, and fpeak [[speak]] their language. it is one of the oldeft [[oldest]] towns in the United States, being fettled [[settled]] feveral [[several]] years before any part of New-England.
   The country to the weftward [[westward]] of this is very extenfive [[extensive]], and fettling [[settling]] faft [[fast]]. I hope to make a tour that way foon [[soon]].

Yours, &c
Peter Vandike.
Mafter [[Master}} Henry Wilmot.


Letter XXVIII.

From Mifs [[Miss]] Sophronia Bellmont to Mifs [[Miss]] Caroline Courtland.


Dear Caroline, 

I TOLD you in my laft [[last]], that I fhould [[should]] probably addrefs [[address]] you from Saratoga Springs. We have been fome [[some]] days at this place, which is eight miles from Saratoga, and

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