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86 Juvenile Letters.

respect towards them. Here is a lesson for christians!
   Your letter has set me all on fire to read history. I want to go to Rome, to Jerusalem, to the River Euphrates, and even to Pekin in 
China. I am soon to begin the reading of Goldsmith's History of Greece, of Rome, and 
of England, abridged.
   Papa says I must read moderately, so that I may have time to digest what I read ; other
wise it will be of little use to me.
   After perusing your letter, I had the curios
ity to look over the map of Bruce's Travels. 
He makes the Nile to run through a lake. Some might consider that lake more properly 
the source of the river. I have heard that a late traveller into the interior of Africa sup
poses that the celebrated Niger is no less than 
the river Nile.
   In Mr. Carey's late edition of the Bible, is a large map, exhibiting a view of the jour
neyings of the Israelites through the des
ert to the land of Canaan. That compre

Juvenile Letter's 87

hends a part of the country included in Bruce's map.
   I am, dear Robert,
        Your friend and humble servant,
             AARON ADVENTURER, 
Master Robert Rover.


Northampton, Jan. 10th, 1803.

       I HAVE the pleasure to inform 
you that I have lately been learning to spin. When I saw you last, I felt a little mortified, that you should find out I was entirely igno
rant of that useful employment; though I 
thought I could then knit and sew, as well as girls in general of my age. The fact is, I was then attending school, every day.
   My mamma, you know, is an industrious 
woman; and though she is anxious to give her 

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