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"and returned in a fhort time with a very fine 
"fifh, which having caused to be half broiled 
"upon fome embers, fhe gave me for fupper. 
"The rites of hofpitality being thus perform-
"ed towards a ftranger in diftress, my worthy 
"benefa([c?)]tress, pointing to the mat, and tell-
"ing me I might fleep there without apprehen-
"fion, called to the female part of her family,
"who had ftood gazing on me all the while
"in fixed aftonishment, to refume their tafk of
"fpinning cotton ; in which they continued to
"employ themfelves great part of the night.
"They lightened their labour by fongs ; one
"of which was compofed extempore, for I
"was myfelf the fubje[(c?)]t of it. It was fung
"by one of the young women ; the reft join-
"ed in a fort of chorus. The air was fweet
"and plaintive, and the words, literally tranf-
"lated, were thefe. ' The winds roared, and
"the rains fell. The poor white man, faint
"and weary, came and fat under our tree. He
"has no mother to bring him milk ; no wife
"to grind his corn. Chorus. Let us pity the
"white man ; no mother has he,' &c. &c.

Juvenile Letters. 91

"Trifling as this recital may appear to the 
"reader, to a perfon in my fituation, the cir-
"cumftance was affecting in the higheft de-
"gree. I was oppreffed by fuch unexpe[(c?)]ted
"kindnefs, and fleep fled from my eyes. In
"the morning I presented my compaffionate
"landlady with two of the four brafs buttons
"which remained on my waiftcoat, the only
"recompenfe I could make her."
  I am, with much efteem,
    Dear Matilda,
         Your fincere friend,
              LAURA LYTTLETON.
Miss Matilda Maitland.

P. S. The above Song, turned into Eng-
lifh verfe, reads thus :
     "The loud wind roar'd, the rain fell fast ; 
     "The White Man yielded to the blast :
     "He sat him down, beneath our tree,
     "For weary, sad, and faint was he ; 
     "And ah ! no wife, or mother's care,
     "For him, the milk or corn prepare.

Transcription Notes:
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