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commonly conjoined with different shades of redness in the hair.* We soon descend to a clearer mixture of red in white. And afterwards succeed the brown, the swarthy, and, passing over into Africa, the 

* Black hair united with a very dark complexion is frequent in the high latitudes of the temperate zone, which may indicate the affinity of those people with the inhabitants of the frigid zone, or rather the correspondence of the influences of these neighbouring climates. Near the boundary line, the climates may frequently interchange their effects; or the different races may be often intermingled. There seems to be even some affinity between the secretions, or colouring matters; which give the red or black complexion to the hair; since it is observed, in red haired families, if one person accidentally differs from the law of the house, it is most commonly to the opposite colour of black; and the reverse of this often takes place in families, and even in nations distinguished by the darker shades of complexion and hair.

Blumenbach remarks that, as to the various colour of the human hair, there seems to be considerable affinity between the red and black. He adds, that very frequently persons marked by the redness of the hair are found among the darkest complexioned nations. (p.169) He quotes, as his authorities, Charlevoix, in his history of New France, who speaks of the fact as existing among the Esquimaux,- Lopez, who observed it among the inhabitants of Congo,-Sonnerat, among those of New-Guinea,-and Marion, and Wallis, in the islands of the great South-Sea. And the Doctor was in possession of red coloured hair cut from the head of a mulatto.

I have myself seen a young man, about seventeen years of age, of a fair and ruddy complexion interspersed with freckles such as are common to that kind of skin, and having a reddish


tawny, increasing by darker and darker shades as we approach the hottest temperature of the torrid zone. In the Assiatic continent we pass at once from the fair to the olive, and thence by various graduations in the darkness of the hue to the black colour which prevails in the southern provinces of the peninsulas of Arabia and India. The same distance from the sun, however, does not, in every region, indicate the same temperature of climate. Besides the latitude, many secondary causes must be taken into consideration to determine the character of the climate. Elevated and mountainous countries, in proportion to their altitude above the level of the sea, ascend towards that region of the atmosphere in which we find the dominion of perpetual cold. High mountains likewise arresting the clouds in their course, compel them to pour their frequent rains, as well as spread their cool shades over the allies which lie between them. Deep bays and arms of

wool tipped with a dirty white, who was born in South-Carolina of parents both of whom were perfectly black and of the African race. He was of a stout and vigorous constitution, and discovered no symptom of weakness, except in his eyes, the iris of which had a tincture of red, and they appeared to be more affected with a strong light than is common in white men.

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6/5/2023 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-05 11:05:35