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LORD KAIMS, in a preliminary discourse to his sketches of the history of man, has undertaken to combat the principle of the unity of the human spe-cies. As Mr. White has proposed to assemble against it all the objections which can be derived from the science of Anatomy, Lord Kaims has en-deavoured to collect, and present to us in one united view, those which arise from the history of man, and from such speculative principles, or such moral causes, as are supposed chiefly to influence the state and condition of human nature, as it relates to the particular subject of his discourse. The reputation of this writer stands so high in the literary world as a philosopher, that it is justly to be presumed, he has advanced whatever can be most plausibly urged from these sources against the opinion which he op-poses. If his objections, therefore, can be fairly set aside, or successfully answered, the refutation of such an antagonist will probably be regarded as 

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