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[Ed. Form, No. 3.]
For the Month of  , 1868.

☞ To contain one entire calendar month, and to be forwarded as soon as possible after the close of the month.
☞ A School under the distinct control of one Teacher, or a Teacher with one Assistant, is to be reported as one School.

[Answers placed here.]
Name of your School?    St. Nicolas
Location (town, county, or district)?  St. Nicolas Dist St. marys Co
Is it a Day or Night-School?  Day
Of what grade? Intermediate
When did your present session commence?   November
When to close? June
Is your School supported by an Educational Society?  It is  
What Society?  Washington
Is your School supported wholly by local School Board?*  It is not   
Name of Board or Com.?   
Am't pd. this month? 
Is your School supported in part by local School Board?*   It is not
Name of Board or Com.?   
Am't pd. this month? 
Is your School supported wholly by Freedmen? It is not  
Amount paid this month? 
Is your School supported in part by Freedmen?   It is
Amount paid this month? 
Have you had Bureau transportation this term?  I have
Who owns the School-building? The colored people
Is rent paid by Freedmen's Bureau?   It is not
How much per month? 
What number of Teachers and Assistants in your School?   
White? One
Total enrolment for the month?†  11 
Female? 13
Number enrolled last report?   Not any

{Number enrolled last report, by adding new scholars and subtracting those left school, must equal the present total enrolment.}

Number left school this month?  Not any
Number new Scholars this month? 14
What is the average attendance? 16

{Schools are to be kept five days per week and six hours each day.}

How many hours have you taught per day?  6
How many days have you taught this month?  16
{Give reasons for deficiency of time, (if any,) in teaching.} 
{I arrived on wednesday the 4th of Nove and was told by the trustees of the school that I need not open the school until the next monday as the children could not get ready until then this is the reason why I did not open the day I arrived,}

Number of Pupils for whom tuition is paid? Not any
Number of White Pupils? Not any
Number always present? 4
Number always punctual? 4
Number over 16 years of age? Not any
Number in Alphabet? Not any
Number who spell, and read easy lessons? 19
Number in advanced readers? 5
Number in Geography?  7
Number in Arithmetic?  24
Number in higher branches?  Not any
Number in Writing?  Not any
Number in Needle-work?  Not any
Number free before the war?  Not any
Have you a Sabbath-School?  I have not
How many Teachers?   
How many Pupils? 
Have you an Industrial School?   I have not
How many Teachers?   
How many Pupils? 
State the kind of work done? 

☞ To the following questions give exact or approximate answers, prefixing to the latter the word "about."
1. Do you know of any Schools for Refugees or Freedmen not reported to the State Superintendent?   
How many? 
2. Give (estimated) whole number of pupils in all such Schools?   
No. of Teachers, 
3. Do you know of Sabbath Schools not reported to the State Superintendent?   
How many? 
4. Give (estimated) whole number of pupils in all such Schools?   
No. of Teachers, 
5. State the public sentiment towards Colored Schools, 
6. How many pupils in your School are members of a Temperance Society?   
Name of the Society? 

(Signed) William Henry Foster
* Or School Committee, either District, Town, City, County, or State?
† A pupil is not to be REPORTED as enrolled until after five days' attendance.

Transcription Notes:
Please fill in answers. Per SI staff, these reports are not to be transcribed as tables.