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graze, wood, stone, carnelian, amethyst and flint; flint razors, ivory carvings, beads and pottery. The last may be arranged in general chronological order to its shape and perfection, for it ranges from the rudest kind of unglazed ware to bowls of rock crystal which bear traces of having been engraved with delicate tools. 
The pottery of the predynastic Egyptians was made without the help of the potter's wheel, of which they had no knowledge, and the materials employed by them were Nile mud and clay. The sequence in predynastic pottery illustrating the development of the art is very complete in the specimens received for universities and museums. A full line of this pottery will have a place in the Commercial history exhibit now in preparation in Philadelphia. It is extraordinarily interesting to follow the evolution of this ancient industry from the first rude, heavy unglazed type through the black-topped variety to the smooth red glazed ware.

Among the most interesting vases received were those of cylindrical shape, covered with a coast of whitish unbaked paint; they have waved ledge handles at the sides and were originally filled with scented fat, an unguent offered at the graves. From Abydos, Ehnaslya and El Mahasba alike come many miniature pots and vessels for pomades, ointments and salves made with honey; some, however, from their shape were plainly used in supplying the provisions for the tomb, as being less costly than full sized vessels, while their great number would make a generous numeration. The most elegant of these small jars, both in the usual clay and in diorite, were made for suspension by means of a pierced handle worked both sides in one piece with the vase.

The almost innumerable ivory and wood carvings are not only evidence of the artistic capacity of the early Egyptians, but indicate that the Egyptians had commercial relations with distant places. The figures of animals and human beings produced shells, coins, pieces of embroidery, tops and parts of dolls, the handle of an amphora inscribed Baion [?], gold, bronze and iron rings and bronze implements

From the necropolis of Sidmant on the other side of Bahrusef, the great canal, we have advance information of many interesting finds. There are wreaths from the heads of mummies, garlands from their breasts, fragments of a carved wooden couch, a wooden statuette of Osiris, a coffin with mummies and linen cartonnages, a bow, pottery and shreds inscribed in demotic and ornamented with rough drawings. Then there are baskets from Roman graves, always found in the filling of a tomb. At the present day the baskets used in the digging of a grave are thrown in before the grave is filled up. It is believed that if they were brought back to the house, they would cause the death of the occupants

It is a significant fact that many of the discoveries of the past year are injured by dampness, because they lie so near the area of cultivation. The wide extension of agricultural Egypt resulting from the building of the monster dams at Assiout and Assouan, has not been an unmixed blessing. Many of the noblest monuments have been injured and will ultimately be overthrown by the encroaching waters. The relics of the past that have lain safely in the dry sands of Egypt are already beginning to decay at the touch of the infiltrating waters. It behooves those who have an interest in securing records of our most ancient civilization to move quickly. A few years more and the excavator will find nothing of value in places that are now rich fields for archaeological research. The part of the soil of Egypt to be submerged by the Assouan Damn should be dug to bed rock and passed through a sieve during the next two years. With the flooding during the winters months of ten temples and three fortresses, Lower Nubia utters the warning cry for 1912: "Apres moi, le deluge!"


From Oswego Times

To-day the TIMES gives space to an admirably scholarly and interesting article from the pen of Marie N. Buckman, head secretary of the American Branch of the Egypt Exploration Society. This lady, an American, had shown much energy in promoting the interests of the society, the purposes of which are well expressed in its name. The work it so zealously has set out to do is praiseworthy beyond cavil or criticism  The historic records of the human race,in its long and obscure past and in whatsoever form they may exist, are rare at the best. Whatever may be done, therefore, to discover and preserve these instructive and illuminating evidences is entitled to every encouragement and assistance that intelligent appreciation of the service can render.

-Egypt.  Its sandy soil and dry climate are peculiarly suited to the preservation of the handliwork of its various peoples-handiwork o represented in almost multitudinous forms, as the article we are speaking of so well makes clear.  The article also makes it cleat that the work in which the Society is engaged must be hastened.  The dry fields in which these ancient treasures of incalculable value lie buried will soon be flooded from the huge dams, now nearly completed at Assiout and Assouan for irrigation purposes.  Possibly a couple of years will see it.  The Society's request for aid in its endeavours is therefore pressing.  What is done should be done quickly.  Contributions are asked for.  They may be credited to the Cornell University interests thereby increasing its share of antiquities that are distributable to American institutions.  The TIMES trusts that Secretary Buckman's article may be read by all for the illuminations matter it carries and that, whether contributions follow or not.

Transcription Notes:
Should each new line start the same as the paper? 05/25/2023 From 'Among the most interesting vases..' transcribed text does not follow previous style wherein final word ended same as in source. Previous paragraphs should be adjusted Last transcription ends where there is damage obscuring the text ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-25 13:54:16