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Charles C. Glover President and Treasurer William Corcoran Eustis Vice President Frederick B. McGuire Secretary and Director C. Powell Minnigerode Assistant Director The Corcoran Gallery of Art Washington, D.C. December 9, 1910 Mr. George W. Alger, Secretary, For Mr. Charles L. Freer, 915 Union Trust Building, Detroit, Mich. Dear Sir: Mr. V. G. Fischer has referred to us your letter of the 7th instant, enclosing memorandum amounting to $41.56, telegraph and cable expenses incurred by you in our behalf, and I enclose herewith check in reimbursement of these expenses. Will you please receipt the enclosed memorandum bill and return the same to us. Thanking you for your courtesy in the premises, I am Very truly yours, C. Powell Minnigerode Assistant Director.