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OK CHARLES L. FREER $6,155.10 [[symbol-checkmark]] No. 20 [[symbol-checkmark]] IN FAVOR OF Dikran Kelekian, [[symbol-checkmark]] Paris, France Month of July, 1909 19 [[2 columned table]] | CHARGE | | | --- | --- | | Foreign Travels, C/A | 6,155.10 [[symbol-checkmark]] | [[stamp]] SMITHSONIAN [[/stamp]] Paid [[stamp]] JAN 3 1910 [[/stamp]] 19 Vou. Reg. Page 101 Check No. P9875 THE RICHMOND & BACKUS CO., DETROIT. 228331
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Reopened for Editing 2023-05-25 16:37:27
Reopened for Editing 2023-05-25 17:19:56