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(3447) One Makimono, or Scroll Painting, by Li Lang Mien.
Sung. Chinese.

On silk in ink.
A mountainous landscape with trees, streams and three bridges, in which many figures of Lohana and followers are seen.
At the beginning one sits in a chair reading; another sits before a rook table talking to a companion; one holds a circular incense bowl with both hands from which smoke ascends; another rides in a two-wheeled cart, drawn by a deer; another is astride a tiger; another is on a deer; another [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] stands on a stone bridge under which water runs swiftly; at the finish another stone bridge is being crossed by a Lohan with a staff over his right shoulder.
The signture is written over a red seal, Li Kang Lin, and is found upon a steep embankment.
Four additional red seals above and below the signature; other red seals and a written signature at the beginning.
Three manuscript certificates follow the painting.
Length, 11' 6 1/2". Height, 11 1/4".

Purchased from Worch & Cie, Paris, as per Voucher #27, January 1910, for Francs 1,500., plus express, etc.,


Notwithstanding in regard to our quotations you may be assured that as a custom we consider always our real cost and calculate there upon a regular percentage as our profit. - 
Many thanks and returns of kind regards from our Senior and Mr. Edgar Worch who will shortly return to the Far East to pick up if possible some more valuable objects of collection; should he come back via America he intends to take the liberty of paying you a visit at Detroit.
Recently Mr. Collin de Plancy called at our office in order

Transcription Notes:
Please check: 2 - on 18th line after the word "steep" Once enlarged on screen, the word is "embankment" ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-27 13:29:50