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Paris 4th February 1910.

Charles L. Freer Esq.
33 , Ferry Avenue , East ,
Detroit , Michigan. 

Dear Sir, 
Many thanks for your kind letter of 22nd January enclosing Check of France 3915.— in settlement of our invoice of 24th December as per separate note which please find herewith duly receipted. 
We have been very glad indeed to hear of the careful examination you passed on and your opinion on each of the 3 objects sent - opinion mostly in accordance with the information we had. The only objection to be made would be for the painting by Chien Shun Gu , an artist much appreciated in China for which the holder asked perhaps a too big price ; this may explain the difference in value which you assign to the latter picture , the colouring of which has of course been weakened by clean. -
Notwithstanding in regard to our quotations you may be assured that as a custom we consider always our real cost and calculate there upon a regular percentage as our profit. -
Many thanks and returns of kind regards from our Senior and Mr. Edgar Worch who will shortly return to the Far East to pick up if possible some more valuable objects of collection ; should he come back via America he intends to take the liberty of paying you a visit at Detroit. 
Recently Mr. Collin de Plancy called at our office in order 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-25 18:34:49