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To D. W. Tryon, Dr.
Address New York, N.Y.

10  19

amount, for one oil painting, entitled "Twilight - Autumn", by D. W. Tryon. On wood Panel, Oblong 30 x 20, as per attached bill, 3500.00 
[[blue checkmark]] [[blue checkmark]]  

Correct, J M Kennedy
Approved, C. L. Freer
RECEIVED OF CHARLES L. FREER, Three thousand, five hundred and 00/100 [[checkmark]] DOLLARS, IN FULL OF THE ABOVE ACCOUNT.

Mch 23d 1910
D.W. Tryon

Transcription Notes:
Top left of document is concealed due to another paper blocking the writing. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-28 08:33:36