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Carl F. Biele, Esq.

feet." Before Mr. Freer's departure for China, he handed me the original sheet from which he ordered these cases, at the top of which is written "Cases required all 36" floor to top of cases."

The latest advice received from Mr. Freer as to his movements is in a letter dated Shanghai, January 23rd, in which he says that he expects to close up his matters very early in February and is thinking of going to Kioto, Japan, for a few days, then Yokohama and Tokio, and thence back home, and in a cablegram received from him the other day he stated that he would leave Shanghai, China, for Kioto on February 21st, and inasmuch as the mail closes here tomorrow for Kioto, I am sending Mr. Freer copies of the complete correspondence which has passed between your company, Mr. Rathbun and myself regarding these makimono cases, and am asking Mr. Freer if it is in his wish to pay for these show cases as they are now built that he might cable me to that effect.

If, as you may, the cases are built in accordance with Mr. Freer's wishes, it should be a matter of only three weeks from tomorrow when I should receive a cable from him to pay for these cases.

Yours truly,
(Signed) George W. Alger