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Charles L. Freer   -2-   2/28/11

account amounts to a trifle less than $4900.00 and a delay of perhaps another month would put us to considerable inconvenience, especially at the present time when payrolls are large and remittances slow in coming in. In view of the fact that the enclosed sketches show Mr. Freer's own views on the subject, we trust you will see your way clear to reconsider the matter and oblige us with a payment on account, say of $4000.00, leaving a balance of $900.00 pending advices from Mr. Freer.

As to the broken plate, if this cannot be replaced at Washington, we can send two men to replace the breakage. It will take two men, as the glass is over 12'0" long and these men will be away two working days from the shop. As to the finish on the top of this same case, it appears that perhaps the breakage is responsible for this also, at any rate, the men who would do the work could also look after that as well as the two dents reported in base of one "pottery" base. The end edges of the glass have to be ground and polished here, but the setting can be done at the Museum very nicely. Please let us know whether or not to send men to do the work.

We trust that after this explanation you will view the matter from our standpoint and favor us with remittance as suggested and which will be greatly appreciated by

Yours truly,
Charles F Biele