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#915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan.
March 2, 1911.

Charles F. Biele, Esq.,
President, Messrs. Charles F. Biele & Sons Company.
#379-381 West 12th Street,
New York, N. Y.

Dear Sir:

I have your favor of the 28th ultimo, in reply to mine of the 27th ultimo, relative to the eleven makimono cases and stands, in which you enclosed to me two sketches, sent you by Mr. Freer, giving the location of the roll-holders at the ends, also showing how the 16" and 18" widths were to be taken. I am sorry that you did not send me these plans before as they would have made the matter of Mr. Freer's wishes as to the heights clearer to us. After examining these sketches, I would say that it now appears to us that Mr. Freer has also taken the narrower case lower than the wider case so that the fronts of both widths cases would line up uniformly. Therefore, I have pleasure in handing you, enclosed herewith, a draft on New York, to your order for $4077.81, in settlement of the account. Kindly receipt and return Mr. Freer's voucher also enclosed herewith.

You will please notice that I have added to the face of the voucher that you stand ready to make the metal work on the large makimono case, which is 36' 6" long and 18" wide, and which the Superintendent of the United States National Museum