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1 Circular Dish with flat rim, beautifully molded- Hembodji- Soft whitish paste.
The interior [[strikethrough]] deep background [[/strikethrough]] is of deep, rich lapis backgroud over which [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] in the concaved [[strikethrough]] portion part is [[/strikethrough]] center a skillfully drawn floral design in [[strikethrough]] pale [[/strikethrough]] dull green and rich brown. The upper side of the projecting rim is decorated with concentric rings and a band of inscription in olive lustre- 
The exterior is of sky blue and bluish green background decorated with circular bands and scroll designs in pale olive. Rich golden iridescence especially on upper side of rim. 
Much cracked; areas of rim missing.
Height - 3 in
Diam at rim 10 5/8-
Bought from Vincenzo Marcopoli $400.