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in the original letter. I note your remarks relative to the shipments, and when word is received from Messrs. Charles F. Biele & Sons Company and from your Detroit office, any steps necessary to secure the safe and prompt forwarding of the material will immediately be taken.

In yours of the 6th, you speak of the letter from Miss Mechlin. I am very glad that you are furnishing her with information regarding the exhibit, which will be so unique and important as to attract far more than the usual amount of attention, and will, of course, be written up many times over. Miss Mechlin has been the principal exponent of everything relating to the Gallery of Art, and she has been very happy in her productions. She writes well and conscientiously, with all the spirit of one devoted to her field, and we always call upon her whenever anything new turns up.

I trust that your coming trip abroad will be pleasant throughout. I envy you your search for new treasures. In fact, I envy all explorers. I was one

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-27 17:08:58