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A Y H 10 (Issue of July 1907.)

SHIPPED, in apparent good order and condition by SAMURAI SHOKAI. on board of THE Toyo Kisen Kaisha's Steamer "Yenyo Maru" whereof capt. E. Beut is Commander, now lying in the port of Yokohama and board for San Francisco, - To say
Marked C. L. Freer Esq.
C/#1 - one (1) case of books
(Weight, value and contents unknown), and being marked as above, to be carried upon said steamer (with leave to tow and assist vessels in distress; to sail with or without pilots, to transship to any other of said Companies' steamers, to lighter from Steamer to Steamer, and from Steamer to Shore, and to touch at any port or ports in any rotation or order in or out of the customary route, and to call at any port or ports more than once), unto the PORT OF SAN FRANCISCO, the restraints of government, or Officer thereof acting without authority, acts of God, enemies, privateers, letters of marque or reprisal, rising of passengers, pirates, robbers, thieves, vermin, barratry, collision or fire at sea or in port, fire on wharf, in warehouse or lighters, accident to or from machinery, boilers or steam, explosions at sea or in port from any cause whatever, or any other accidents, lighterage, disasters or dangers of the sea or sail or steam navigation, and any act, neglect or default of the pilot, master, mariners or servants of said steamer, of what nature or kind soever, except, and there in like apparent good order and condition to be delivered

unto the Southern Pacific Company, and thence to be transported by said Southern Pacific Company and connecting Railroad Companies to Detroit, Mich. and there in like apparent good order and condition, to be delivered unto order notify to Charles L. Freer Esq, 33, Ferry Ave. East, Detroit, Mich. or his or their assigns, freight for the same to be paid in American Gold Coin, at any rate as per margin.
In consideration of the rate of freight herein named it is hereby stipulated that the service to be performed hereunder shall be subject to the conditions, whether printed or written, on the face or back hereof, and said conditions are hereby agreed to by the shipper and by him accepted for himself and assigns as just and reasonable.

In Witness Whereof, the Agent of said Steamer has signed four Bills of Lading (including Captain's Copy), all of this tenor and date, one whereof being accomplished, the other to stand void.

DATED at Yokohama, this 14th. february of 1910. [[strikeout]]19[[/strikeout]]

Acting for themselves, and as agents of said Railroad Companies.

To one bill of landing of this tenor and date, internal revenue stamp has been affixed as required by law.

[[left margin]] Positively no Goods delivered on this Bill of Lading until endorsed and surrendered by the Consignee. Two Copies of this Bill of Lading, DULY ENDORSED, must be sent to Consignee, to effect Custom House Entry and Delivery of Goods. Weight and/or measurement subject to correction. [[/left margin]]

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