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From Catalog NO. 695 (Nov.21, 1910) - James Tragaskis

232, High Holborn, London, W.C.  71

625 WHISTLER. The Gentle Art of Making Enemies. As pleasingly exemplified in many instances, wherein the serious ones of this earth, carefully exasperated, have been prettily spurred on to unseemliness and indiscretion while overcome by an undue sense of right. Sq. 8vo, original boards (covers soiled), cloth back, uncut. £250
New York, 1890

626  WHISTLER. Autographed Letter, signed J. McN. Whistler. 1 1/4 pages, 8vo. To W. Christian Symons, in reference to the Complimentary Dinner to Whistler at the Criterion on May 1st, 1888. With envelope addressed in Whistler's autograph. 6 guineas.
(April, 1888)

***The printed invitation to dinner accompanies the letter, headed by a list of the Committee, and signed by Mr. Symons, who was Hon. Secretary. This is the identical copy submitted to Whistler for his approval, and it is in the letter here offered that he suggests an alteration. He thinks "honour conferred upon him [Whistler] by H.R.H. the Prince Regent" preferable to "honour conferred upon him by the Royal Academy of Bavaria." "It is simpler," he says, "and less pretentious."

627 WHITE (Henry Kirke) Life and Remains. 18mo, front, and engraved title by Heath after Corbould, green morocco, extra corner ornaments of flowers on a criblée ground, panels of the back similarly treated, inside floral borders, the whole gold-tooled, gilt edges. 2 guineas
(c. 1810)

628 WHITGIFT & CARTWRIGHT.  The Defence of the Answers of the Admonition, against the replie of T. C. by John Whitgift Doctor of Divinite. Folio (little waterstained), FIRST EDITION, black letter, title within woodcut border, half bound. 13/6
Henry Binneman, 1574

***One of the voluminous contributions to the heated controversy between Thomas Cartwright and Whitgift, arising from the former's 'Admonition to Parliament, 1572.' This weighty 'defence' probably gave Whitgift a substantial lead in the race for the chair of Augustine. The puritan champion was, however, far from daunted, and it was not long before Whitgift had still more doughty opponents in the 'Marprelate' tract writers.

629 WIDDRINGTON (Roger) Responsio Apologetica ad Libellum cuiusdam Doctoris Theologi, qui eius pro iure Principum Apologiam tanquam fidei Catholicæ apertè repugnantem, atque Ethnicismum sapientem, falsò, indoctè & seditiosè criminatur. Sm. 8vo, Jesuit symbol on title, old calf, gilt. £3 10 0
Cosmopoli Apud Pratum, 1612

***Widdrington's real name was Thomas Preston. He was ordained at Rome, and after joining the Benedictines was sent on the English Mission, 1602, spending a good deal of his time in prison. The above work is one of his most important treatises in defence of the condemned oath of allegiance against the Pope's deposing power, the championship of which appears to have been his special department. This original edition is of the utmost rarity, Lowndes not being aware of the existence of one before that of Paris, 1613. Widdrington gained the favour of James I. and Charles I. later in his career.

630  WILDE (Oscar) Rose Leaf and Apple Leaf, by Rennell Rodd. With an Introduction by Oscar Wilde. Cr. 8vo, FIRST EDITION, Illustrations, original white cloth, gilt top edge, otherwise entirely uncut. 4 guineas
Philadelphia, 1882

***Dedicated to "Oscar Wilde--'Heart's Brother.'"
631  WILDE (Oscar) An Ideal Husband. Sq. 8vo,FIRST EDITION, original cloth, uncut. £176

632 WILSON (Harriette) Memoirs. Written by herself. 2 vols., la. 8vo, many interesting engravings in the text, half calf. 3 guineas.
John Joseph Stockdale, re-printed by Henry Smith, 37 Holywell Street, Strand, n.d.

***A rare edition of the extraordinary revelations of this notorious demirep, who involved in her disclosures such prominent personages as the Duke of Wellington, the Duke of Leinster, Lord Hertford (Thackeray's Marquis of Steyne), Marquis Wellesley, the Earl of Fife, Prince Esterhazy, Lord Granville Leveson-Gower, Lord Ebrington, Beau Brummell, Lord Frederick Bentinck, Lord Byron, Henry Broughham, and many other notabilities. Such excitement was caused by the publication of the unblushing exposures of this fashionable demi mondaine that the traffic at the publisher's door had to be specially regulated.

633  WILTS. A second edition of the Anecdotes and History of Cranbourn Chase. By Wm. Chafin, Clerk. With Additions, and a Continuation of the said History to some extent. To which are added some Scenes in, and Anecdotes of, Windsor Forest; by the same Author. 8vo, frontispiece representing a group of old-time Deer-hunters, orig. boards, uncut. 6/-  1818-1886

***A facsimile reproduction privately printed for Lt.-General Pitt Rivers.